Customized training - Use case and tools adapted to your organizational needs
Lean Six Sigma Agile certifications
Onsite or virtual - You can choose the date
The content of our training complies with ISO18404 & ISO13053 standards
Attractive pricing
We can organize trainings for the employees of your company, physically in your offices
or remotely.
You can choose the date, here you have the trainings we offer:
White Belt
Yellow Belt
Green Belt
Black Belt
Leading SAFe (SA)
If you are interested first book a fraiming appointment to talk about dates, place and we will answer your questions.
*Price for group, up to 10 people. Offer available only for organizations.
*Onsite training does not include travel fees.
*Registrations must be held at least 1 week before the first day of training.
Price net of taxes for trainings